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Hanovia L-5160-100 Xenon arc lamp 300W
Lampe au xénon à arc court
Xenon Kurzbogenlampe

Conrad-Hanovia Inc., Newark, NJ.

This lamp has a third trigger electrode for easy starting. It also has a very strong UV output.

Power: 300 W
Current: 11 A
Voltage: 29 V
Ignition voltage: 12 kV


Hanovia L-5160-100 Xenon arc lamp 300W

Longueur • Length • Länge : 148 mm • 5" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 15 mm • 9/16"

Hanovia L-5160-100 Xenon arc lamp 300W

Hanovia L-5160-100 Xenon arc lamp 300W


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