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Automatic Signal Div. C35 4 Pin Argon Tube
Lampe à argon

Automatic Signal Div. Laboratory For Electronics Inc, E. Norwalk Conn.
Part C35 L7277 Code 452.00 00
Probably used as regulators in traffic light systems.

Automatic Signal was formed in 1928 and produced the first practical traffic actuated controllers. In the 1930s the Automatic Signal line was bought by Eastern Industries, and again in the 1950s by the Laboratory for Electronics Co. (LFE.) In the 1980s Mark IV Industries bought LFE, but sold the line to Siemens in 1997. Siemens now calls the product line Eagle TCS.


Automatic Signal Div. C35 4 Pin Argon Tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 94 mm • 3" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 45 mm • 1" 3/4

Automatic Signal Div. C35 4 Pin Argon Tube

Automatic Signal Div. C35 4 Pin Argon Tube

Automatic Signal Div. C35 4 Pin Argon Tube

Automatic Signal Div. C35 4 Pin Argon Tube


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