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OSIRA 400W Red Floodlighting Lamp
Lampe à faisceau large, Projecteur d'illumination

“Osira” was a trade name of the General Electric Company of England.


The light given by these tubes under proper conditions made them particularly suitable for certain types of floodlighting and GEC designed special outdoor units to incorporate the tubes.
They were used to light, among others, Richmond, Newport, Reading, Tunbridge Wells, Lewisham, Lambet and Norwich.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: OSIRA_Floodlighting_Lamps.pdf & OSIRA_Colour_Floodlighting_Lamps.pdf

Video Video on YouTube: Osram GEC Osira 400W Linear Hot Cathode Neon Flood lamp Firing up


OSIRA 400W Red Floodlighting Lamp
Click to enlarge

Longueur • Length • Länge : 119,5 cm • 47"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 38 mm • 1" 1/2

OSIRA 400W Red Floodlighting Lamp

OSIRA 400W Red Floodlighting Lamp

OSIRA 400W Red Floodlighting Lamp


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