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Multi-Element Radial-Beam Scanning Tube (MERB) for Underwater Object Locator (UOL)
General Electric, August 1950


Technical Information (9.70 MB)
Figures and Graphs (5.40 MB)

This report describes the construction, operation and desired characteristics of a MERB scanning tube.
The program followed in developing a satisfactory scanning tube is reviewed.

This tube was intended for the Mark III and Mark IV Underwater Object Locator, see US Patent 3,067,281.

The tubes were supplied by the National Union Radio Corporation, see
National Union Type 6324 Radial Beam-Switching Commutator Tube
National Union Type 6170 Radial Beam-Switching Commutator Tube


Multi-Element Radial-Beam Tube (7-17-1950)

Cut-away section to show position of elements (7-17-1950)

Cut-away section (7-17-1950)

Test Equipment for Multi-Element Radial-Beam Tube (7-17-1950)



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