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Philips Photoflux PF6 Flashbulb
Lampe flash

Due to its relatively long flash duration at half peak, this bulb was specifically destined to be used with cameras with focal-plane shutters.

Voltage range: 3-30 V
Light output: 15,000 lm/sec
Flash duration at half peak: 30 msec
Time to half peak: 15 msec


Philips Photoflux PF6 Flashbulb

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 59 mm • 2" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 30 mm • 1" 3/16

Philips Photoflux PF6 Flashbulb

Philips Photoflux PF6 Flashbulb


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