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GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube for Aviation Approach Lighting
Lampe flash au xénon

This lamp was used as a signal lamp at airports, and probably in other aviation warning lights, for example, the lights on top of tall buildings or towers.

NSN: 6240-00-752-1938
Input rating: 60 W/s
Maximum flashing rate per second: 2
Emitted light characteristic: blue-white
Light center length: 4 inches nominal
Voltage rating: 2000 V nominal
Min. trigger voltage: 9 kV
Life: 20,000,000 flashes
Lumens light output: 2000
Base style: A76 Giant five pin

Thanks to Eric Tauecchio who donated this lamp.


GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 147 mm • 5" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 54 mm • 2" 1/8

GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube

GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube

GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube

GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube

GTE SYLVANIA R4336 Xenon Flash Tube


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