Магнетроны МИ-29
Pulsed Magnetron MI-29 (damaged, cutaway view)
Magnétron en régime pulsé (endommagé, vue en coupe)
Impuls-Magnetron (beschädigt, Schnittmodell)
Used in the P-37 (П-37) radar station.
NATO codename: “Bar Lock”.
Frequency range: 2695 - 3115 MHz
Pulsed output power: 875 kW
Anode voltage: 30 kV
Peak anode current: 62 A
Pulse duration: 0.5 - 2.8 ms
Duty cycle: 0.001
Dimensions: 255 x 54 x 131 mm (10" x 2"1/8 x 5"1/8)

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