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CSF Tube de commutation à gaz AE127 Type B
Gas Switching Tube, Pre-TR Cell

CSF = Compagnie Générale de Télégraphie Sans Fil, Paris, France.

A pre-transmit/receive tube is a T.R. tube, having a low-Q, that precedes another T.R. tube and produces a preliminary reflection to reduce the power level at the second T.R. tube.

Central frequency: 3.192 GHz.

Swedish military tube designation: M2465-671.


CSF Tube de commutation à gaz AE127 Type B

94 x 71 x 36 mm • 3" 3/4 x 2" 3/4 x 1" 3/8

CSF Tube de commutation à gaz AE127 Type B

CSF Tube de commutation à gaz AE127 Type B

CSF Tube de commutation à gaz AE127 Type B

CSF Tube de commutation à gaz AE127 Type B


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