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932A Red/Infrared Photocell
Cellule photoélectrique

Special unbased phototube with 360° annular field of view.

This tube was developed for use in a proximity fuse during WWII, and was not sold commercially. The basic idea was that the tube would “see” the shadow of an enemy aircraft to activate the shell. Unfortunately, this did not work at night or on cloudy days. This tube is identical to the Western Electric D-155023 phototube of the same form and dimensions.


932A Red/Infrared Photocell

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 42 mm • 1" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 26 mm • 1"

932A Red/Infrared Photocell

932A Red/Infrared Photocell

932A Red/Infrared Photocell


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