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Tracerlab TGC-5 Beta-Gamma Geiger Müller Tube
Tube compteur de rayonnement
Geiger-Müller Zählrohr

Anode: Tungsten central wire
Cathode: Stainless steel coating on inside of glass wall
Operating voltage: 900 V
Plateau length: 150 V
Fill gas: argon with organic quenching agent at 260 mm Hg
Dead time: ca. 90 μs

It was used in the Tracerlab Model SU-5 beta-gamma survey rate meter, introduced in 1950.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: Tracerlab.pdf


Tracerlab TGC-5 Beta-Gamma Geiger Müller Tube

Longueur • Length • Länge : 16 cm • 6" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 19 mm • 3/4"

Tracerlab TGC-5 Beta-Gamma Geiger Müller Tube

Tracerlab TGC-5 Beta-Gamma Geiger Müller Tube

Tracerlab TGC-5 Beta-Gamma Geiger Müller Tube

When shipped by air, the pressure drop could damage the tubes. So the tube was stored in an hermetically sealed shipping container.

Tracerlab Model SU-5

Tracerlab Model SU-5


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