КНК-53М Ионизационная камера (Счетчик Нейтронов)
KNK-53M Compensated Ionization Chamber for Neutron Detection
Chambre d'ionisation pour la détection des neutrons
Ionisationskammer (Neutronendetektor)
For use in nuclear reactor control and protection systems.
The detector KNK-53M is a 10B lined, gamma compensated ionization chamber for detection of thermal neutrons
in a flux range of 104 to 5*1010 nv. During out-of-core measurement, neutrons are to be detected in the presence of
a strong gamma field, and as a consequence the ionization current caused by the gamma radiation exceeds the current originating from the
neutrons. In a compensated ionization chamber, a second ionization chamber detecting only gamma is placed as well. The signal from the gamma
chamber (gamma sensitivity is 1.5*10-12 A/r/H) may be used to cancel the gamma contribution to the neutron chamber signal (neutron
sensitivity 4*10-14 A/nv). The probe is designed and constructed from materials that minimize the effects of activation.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Click to enlarge
Longueur • Length • Länge : 68,7 cm • 27"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 50 mm • 2"

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