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PHILIPS 1B3GT Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier
Redresseur monoplaque pour haute tension
Einweg-Gleichrichter für Hochspannung

For TV high-voltage rectifier applications.

Working at voltages of the order of 25,000 V means that the electrons striking the anode will generate soft X-rays. The design of a bell shaped anode with the coated filament high inside the bell is to minimise the release of these X-rays.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 1B3GT.pdf & 1B3GT.pdf & 1B3GT.pdf & 1B3GT.pdf


PHILIPS 1B3GT Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 97 mm • 3" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 28 mm • 1" 1/8

PHILIPS 1B3GT Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier

PHILIPS 1B3GT Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier


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