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High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube / Thyratron
Tube à gaz à cathode froide utilisé comme interrupteur à très grande vitesse
Gasgefüllte Schaltröhre, Triggerbare Schaltfunkenstrecke mit sehr kurze Schaltzeiten

This tube was found in a lot of stuff from a LANL/SNL (Los Alamos National Laboratory/Sandia National Laboratory) surplus auction.

This is a very unusual thyratron type tube that looks very similar to a krytron, but fires at a much lower voltage. It has a very weird gas mixture inside. My best guess is that it was originally supposed to trigger something mighty interesting. The tube is so sensitive that even a static-charged pipe a few feet away will trigger it.


High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 44 mm • 1" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 18 mm • 3/4"

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube

High Speed Gas-Filled Triggered Switch Tube


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