Appareils scientifiques et de mesure, Postes de radio
Scientific and measuring devices, Radio sets
Wissenschaftliche und Messgeräte, Radiogeräte
3GSERAA 15lV 3x4/0 AWG Unterseekabel |
Advertising radio set |
Bobine de self-induction J. Carpentier |
Compteur triphasé L8A1b |
Compteur triphasé MF1t |
Electrostatic bell ring |
Émetteur d'impulsions KID2.3 |
Eppley Pyrheliometer |
Hewlett-Packard Frequency Meter G532A |
High Voltage Coil Model 1206 |
Hilger Spekker H560 |
Plasma Globe |
Ruhmkorff Induction Coil |
Ruhmkorff Induction Coil IV-100 |
SIEMENS Rundfunkkabel Form 10b |
Small Music Tesla Coil YSCZ-18B |
Sparkling tube |
TAKK HV Insulation Tester |
Téléphone ATEA |
Van de Graaff Generator |
Wimshurst Machine |
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