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Трубки рентгеновские РТИ5-0,2
SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube
Tube générateur de rayons X pulsés
Gepulste Röntgenröhre

Small focal spot size.
0.2 MV = 200 kV.
Pulse-controlled triode tube: the third electrode, a control grid, fed with a voltage up to 1 kV, is used to generate the pulses.
The inner surface of the tube is coated with a thin layer of chromium oxide.


SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 17,2 cm • 6" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 3,9 cm • 1" 9/16

SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube

SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube

SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube

SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube

SVETLANA RTI5-0,2 Pulsed X-ray tube

Thanks to Christophe Greffe, co-founder of X-RIS (X-Ray Imaging Solutions) for these radiographs.


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