15 kW Xenon Arc Lamp for IMAX Projection System
IMAX-Kino Projektionslampe (Xenon Kurzbogenlampe)
Lampe au xénon à arc court pour projecteur IMAX
One of the greatest attractions of the Auto & Technik Museum
in Sinsheim (Germany) is the IMAX 3D film theater which shows realistic three-dimensional movies on a
22 x 27 m large screen.
To produce an image bright enough to light up the giant IMAX screens,
the projectors use special xenon bulbs that consume up to 15,000 watts of power. Because of the very
high power levels involved, these lamps are water-cooled.>
The average luminance of these xenon lamps is approximately 1.6 billion candles per
square yard -- about equal to that of the Sun as viewed from the Earth's surface! The lamp has a light
output of approximately 600,000 lumens.
The curator of the Sinsheim Museum asked that two of these lamps (used) were mounted
on a metal base; one is exposed in Sinsheim, the other is now in my collection.
Liens • Links:
• Everything you wanted to know about xenon bulbs.

Click to enlarge
Longueur • Length • Länge : 43,5 cm • 17" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 11 cm • 4" 5/16

End-view showing the liquid-cooling port
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