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RE2 Ceramic Metal High Pressure Xenon Short-Arc Lamp
Lampe parabolique au xénon à arc court, corps en céramique
Kompakt Xenon-Kurzbogenlampe, Keramik/Metall-Aufbau

Utilizing an integrated elliptical reflector, these lamps are typically used for fiber optic illumination, analytical instrumentation, endoscopy/laparoscopy, and microscopy.

Type and manufacturer unknown.
Type et fabricant inconnus.
Typ und Hersteller unbekannt.

Aucune information disponible. Toute aide est bienvenue !
No information available. Any help welcome!
Keine Information verfügbar. Jede Hilfe willkommen!


RE2 Ceramic Metal High Pressure Xenon Short-Arc Lamp

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 55 mm • 2" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 50 mm • 2"

RE2 Ceramic Metal High Pressure Xenon Short-Arc Lamp

RE2 Ceramic Metal High Pressure Xenon Short-Arc Lamp

RE2 Ceramic Metal High Pressure Xenon Short-Arc Lamp


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