Amperex/Philips Z550M “Pixie” Cold Cathode Numerical Indicator Tube
Tube indicateur des chiffres décimaux à cathodes froides
Kaltkatodenröhre zur Anzeigung der dezimalen Zahlen
The Z550M uses a stencil mask with numeral-shaped holes arranged in a circle, instead of the shaped cathodes of the Nixie tubes. It has been developed to satisfy the need for a decade indicator tube which can operate directly from the low voltage electrical readout provided by transistor scalers (counters). It requires an input signal of about 5V at a current of about 50 μA.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
Z550M.pdf &
• J.B. Dance, The Z550M Indicator Tube in Electronic Counting Circuits, London ILIFFE Books Ltd., New York American Elsevier Publishing Compagny Inc., 1967.
• Decade Indicator Operates Off Transistors, Electronics, November 1961.

Left: Amperex. Right: Philips.
Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 32 mm • 1" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 28 mm • 1" 1/8

Left: Schematic representation of the electrode arrangement.
Right: Exploded view of the indicator tube.
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