IEE One-Plane Readout Model No. 13286-35-G291-387
Afficheur numérique à ampoules incandescentes
Ziffernanzeige auf Basis von Glühlampen
Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von :
28 V.
Also known as “In Line Display”, these projection displays were invented by IEE in 1956 for use in their proprietary industrial control systems; the devices proved so popular with customers that IEE began producing and selling the displays as a stand-alone product.
A projection display functions like a miniature slide projector: light from one of 12 different lamps is projected through one of 12 focusing lenses, which directs the light beam onto the appropriate number mask. Light exiting the digit mask passes through a second set of lenses, which bends the light to project the image of the digit mask onto the center of a fogged plastic screen at the front of the display.
An advantage of projection displays is that the bulbs can be replaced when they are burned out.
Projection displays were quite popular for industrial control systems, since custom symbols and warning messages could be easily added to the digit mask. In this particular model, only 6 lamps are used, to display the following symbols:

Video on YouTube: KainkaLabs - A Projection Display
Video on YouTube: KainkaLabs - Teardown of a IEE Projection Display

88 x 36 x 25 mm • 3" 1/2 x 1" 3/8 x 1"

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