Futaba SONY (TRINILITE) A-6279-869-B Flood Beam CRT Jumbotron Module
Module d'affichage matriciel pour écran géant
Punkt Matrix Modul für Großbildschirme
Futaba Corporation • 629 Oshiba, Mobara, Chiba Prefecture 297- 8588, Japan.
A Jumbotron is a video display using large-screen television technology. The original Jumbotron was developed by Sony, and is typically used in sports stadiums and concert venues to show close up shots of an event.
Flood beam CRTs differ from a normal CRT in that the electron gun within does not produce a focused controllable beam. Instead, electrons are sprayed in a wide cone across the entire front of the phosphor screen, effectively turning an image display device into a single pixel. This display contains multiple flood beam devices in a single envelope, enough to display eight pixels of RGB data. Hundreds of tubes such as this are required to build an entire Jumbotron display.
A piece of the screen from the Sony Jumbotron from the Edward Jones Dome in St Louis, Missouri. These pieces were removed from the Dome during the $30,000,000 Renovation project; the old Jumbotron has been in place from 1995-2008.
Each piece has 8 small squares with red, green and blue sections, as well as brims to keep unwanted light out.

140 x 70 x 96 mm • 5" 1/2 x 2" 3/4 x 3" 3/4

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