STC G10/240E Unidirectional Decade Counter “Nomotron”
Tube compteur décimal
STC = Standard Telephones and Cables, Limited
Neon-filled unidirectional, decimal glow-transfer counting tube, which can count pulses from 0 to 20 kc/s.
Made from 1951.
It uses a single-phase input, as opposed to the three of the dekatron. The discharge is directed between the
ten cathodes by means of special electrode shaping. The count state is visible through small holes in the front electrode,
but the glow is small and rather hard to see.
G. H. HOUGH, The development of a multi-cathode decade gas-tube counter, 1952:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 122 mm = 4" 13/16 & 111 mm = 4" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 45 mm = 1" 3/4 & 44 mm = 1" 3/4

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