П789 Вакуумный люминесцентный индикатор
P789 Multicolored Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) Tube (Prototype)
Module d'affichage matriciel pour écran géant
Punkt Matrix Modul für Großbildschirme (Prototyp)
Manufactured by the Reflector (Рефлектор) Plant in Saratov (Russia).
12 rectangular segments, divided into 2 groups of 2 {blue, red, green} segments.
Designed to be tiled into large arrays for the display of full RGB text or images.
Date code: January, 1994.
Ef: 6.5 V
If: 350 mA
Eb: 300 V
Ec: 10 V
Ib: 25 mA
Ic: 20 mA

Click to enlarge
160 x 38 mm • 6" 1/4 x 1" 1/2

Note the exhaust tip located on the front of the tube.

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