KGM IND-1801 Numerik Indicator (Lightguide Display, Edge-lit Display)
Afficheur numérique à ampoules incandescentes
Ziffernanzeige auf Basis von Glühlampen
K.G.M. Electronics Limited, Richmond, Surrey, Great Britain.
Manufactured for General Radio Company, Concord, Massachusetts, USA.
This display has plates with holes drilled in them in the shape of numbers. The plates are bent back to lightbulbs on the back of the display. When a bulb is lit, the light travels down the plate and lights up the holes. It can be used in the readouts of counters, computers, digital voltmeters, annunciators, and indicator boards for various systems where digital indication is desired.
• British Patent No. 847972.
Videos on YouTube:
Super Rare KGM Edgelit Displays!

25 x 60 x 68 mm • 1" x 2"3/8 x 2"5/8

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