ИТС1Б Тиратрон Индикатор
MELZ ITS1B 7-segment Thyratron Indicator
Tube indicateur numérique
Manufactured by MELZ (Moscow electro-lamp plant) in the 80's.
Negative constant voltage on sub-cathode: 235 .. 265 V
First anode (constant or pulse amplitude): 36 .. 44 V
Second anode (constant or pulse amplitude): 90 .. 110 V
First and second grids needed for discharge initiation: -0.3 / +0.4 V
Minimal pulse lengths on first and second grids: 100 μs
Discharge quenching while the voltage:
• on the first anode: less than 4 V
• second anode: less than 10 V - 500 μs
Voltage for discharge initiation on the second anode (segment):
• in presence of control voltage: no more than 86 V
• in absence of control voltage: no more than 120 V
Expected life: minimum 5,000 hours
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
Video on YouTube: KainkaLabs - A Thyratron Clock

17 x 27 x 31 mm • 5/8" x 1" x 1"1/4

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