LUMINATOR 30x7 Electromagnetic Flip-Dot Matrix Display
Girouette à pastilles
Bistabiles Anzeigeelement
Assembly Part Number 502677-001 REV._12/03/92.
LUMINATOR, A Division of MARK IV Industries, Plano, Texas, USA.
This device consists of a grid of small metal discs that are black on one side and a yellow on the other, set into a black background. With power applied, the disc flips to show the other side. Once flipped, the discs will remain in position without power.
The disc is attached to an axle which also carries a small permanent magnet. Positioned close to the magnet is a solenoid. By pulsing the solenoid coil with the appropriate electrical polarity, the permanent magnet on the axle will align itself with the magnetic field, also turning the disc. Another style uses a magnet embedded in the disc itself, with separate solenoids arranged at the ends or side to flip it.

308 x 155 mm • 12"1/8 x 6"1/8

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