ИЛД3 индикаторные лампы
ILD3 CRT for giant TV panels and scoreboards
Tube cathodique pour panneaux d'affichage géants
Kathodenstrahlröhre für riesige Anzeigetafeln
Type ILD3 (ILD3-K = red, ILD3-L = green, ILD3-S = blue) is a small cathode-ray tube without focusing
system and beam deflection. It's just a point of light.
These tubes were designed for giant TV panels and scoreboards. As far as I know, only one such screen has been assembled in the USSR.
Each pixel of the screen consisted of four indicators ILD3 - red, blue and two green.
Heater voltage: 6.3 V
Heater current, nominal: 100 mA
Anode voltage: 6000 V
1st Anode voltage: 40 V
Current anode, nominal: 350 μA
Modulator voltage: 0 - 35 V
Voltage cathode-heater: ± 135 V

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 138 mm • 5" 7/16
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 30 mm • 1" 3/16

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