Электролюминесцентный индикатор С63.396.132-181
S63.396.132-181 Electroluminescent Display
Indicateur électroluminescent
One segment: orange pointer.
Made only for military use in 80's Soviet era.
High brightness and durability.
This display is fundamentally different from VFDs in that it is not a vacuum tube, and does not have a hot cathode filament. Instead, an organic resin with a crystalline phosphor suspension is sandwiched between a conductive bottom layer and a tin oxide glass window to form a capacitor. When rapidly charged and discharged by a high voltage source (220 V AC 400-1000 Hz), the phosphor emits light. The indicator works also with 50 Hz, but not in full bright mode.
Video on YouTube: KainkaLabs - Vintage Display Technology : EL Displays

95 x 65 x 58 mm • 3" 3/4 x 2" 1/2 x 2" 1/4

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