Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Mark III HR 15mmPP Flat Matrix CRT
Module d'affichage matriciel pour écran géant
Punkt Matrix Modul für Großbildschirme
The Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Mark III full-color outdoor video display system is designed for use in stadiums,
race tracks, arenas, and coliseums. It features modular construction, offering several different screen sizes ranging from 250 inches
(3.84 m x 5.12 m) to 1000 inches (12.16 m x 20.48 m).
Each lighting unit of the Mark III contains 16 flat matrix cathode ray tube lighting elements. Each lighting
element comprises 16 color dots in a 4 x 4 array. Each screen module consists of a 2 x 4 array of lighting units.
Modules are stacked and placed side by side to achieve desired screen height and width.
While a regular television CRT uses a triad pattern of tiny red, green, and blue phosphor dots for each pixel,
the Mark III has a “quad” pattern of four dots: two green, one red, and one blue. Each dot is a separate CRT,
with a square front surface about the size of a dime. The four-dot pixel prevents the green CRTs from wearing out before the others.
That's because to generate white light with dot intensities consisting of 60 percent green, 30 percent red, and 10 percent blue
– or other colors – two green dots can be turned on instead of overdriving a single green tube to achieve
the high intensities.

60 x 60 mm • 2" 3/8 x 2" 3/8
Cross-section of a flat matrix CRT |
Dot pattern |

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