Itron HB 2F89068 Mark III Flat Matrix CRT Unit
Module d'affichage matriciel pour écran géant
Punkt Matrix Modul für Großbildschirme
Noritake Itron Corporation, Japan.
Lighting unit of the Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Mark III HC full-color outdoor video display system (Mark III), designed for use in stadiums, race tracks, arenas, and coliseums. Each unit consists of a 4 x 4 array of 16 flood beam cathode ray tubes with overlapping X and Y gate electrodes, effectively converting a typical CRT into a single pixel bitmapped device.
Since the human eye is most sensitive to a yellowish-green color, each “pixel” contains two green elements in a typical RGGB configuration to enhance the apparent brightness of the display at long distances. Each subpixel can display up to 256 different brightness levels, allowing for millions of possible color combinations.
Each CRT needs high voltage to operate, about 1000 V on the large center terminal, as well as a pair of 1 V filaments for each half of the tube. The other pins take about 5 V and turn the pixels on and off in some multiplexing arrangement.
Each tube is equipped with an external filter and magnifier, which increases the contrast of the display to the level needed for outdoor use.
• Mitsubishi Electric Receives IEEE Milestone for Outdoor Large-Scale Color Display System.

75 x 77 x 88 mm • 3" x 3" x "" 1/2

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