HP-55 Programmable Handheld Scientific Calculator
Calculatrice scientifique programmable
Programmierbarer wissenschaftlicher Taschenrechner
Introduced by Hewlett-Packard in 1975.
Original price: $395, still on sale as late as August 1978 for $110, suggesting large unsold inventory.
• Memory: 20 registers, 49 program steps.
• All sorts of trig and log functions, two variable linear regression, linear estimate, mean and standard deviation.
• Conversion between metric and standard units, as well as entering angles as degrees, radians or grads.
• Digital timer, accurate to 0.01%; measures time in hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of a second.
Technical specifications
• Display: 7-segment red LED
• Display size: 15 digits (decimal point uses one digit), (±10±99).
• Entry mode: reverse Polish notation, also known as postfix notation.
• Power supply: internal rechargeable battery or 115/230 V AC, 5 W.
• Size: 148 x 80 x 33 mm • 5"7/8 x 3"1/8 x 1"1/4.
• Patent: 4,009,379.
• Quick Reference.
• Owner's Handbook.

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