TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TI-50 Slimline Scientific Calculator
Calculatrice scientifique
Wissenschaftlicher Taschenrechner
Introduction date: 1978.
• AOS (Algebraic Operating System) entry system, with 15 sets of parentheses and up to 4 pending operations. Calculations are entered as usually written, left to right.
• Over 60 functions, including statistics and the most commonly used logarithmic and trigonometric operations. Statistical functions include mean, and both standard deviation and variances for sample and population data.
• Two fully arithmetic memories, plus TI’s Constant Memory feature which allows both to retain stored data, whether the unit is turned on or off. Saves continuously used constants, values, and statistical data.
Technical specifications
• Display: 8-digit LCD.
• Power Source: 2 x LR44 batteries.
• Up to 1,000 hours of normal operation on a single set of batteries.
• Size: 135 x 74 x 10 mm • 5"1/4 x 2"7/8 x 3/8".
Operating Manual: TI-50_Manual.pdf

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