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FAIRCHILD / DUMONT K2109P7/5EAP7 5-inch Radar Indicator CRT
Tube cathodique pour radar
Radar Bildröhre

This tube was electrostatically focused and aluminized, and used potted anode connection to prevent arcing at high altitude.

Produced specifically for sector scanning in the early 1960s.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 5EAP7.pdf


K2109P7/5EAP7 Radar Indicator CRT

Longueur • Length • Länge : 24,2 cm • 9" 4/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 12,5 cm • 4" 9/10

K2109P7/5EAP7 Radar Indicator CRT

K2109P7/5EAP7 Radar Indicator CRT

K2109P7/5EAP7 Radar Indicator CRT

K2109P7/5EAP7 Radar Indicator CRT

K2109P7/5EAP7 Radar Indicator CRT


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