AEG HR2/100/1,5A Double-Beam Radar Indicator CRT
Tube cathodique pour radar, à double canon
Doppelstrahl Radar Bildröhre
This CRT was used in the German Freya FuMG 39 Würzburg radar systems during World War II.
It is particularly unusual in having two separate beam systems, but only one set of deflection plates per beam.
Type: Tetrode
Uf = 4 V
If = 1.2 A
Ua = 1500 V
Ua1 = 400 V
Ua2 = 320 V
Ua3 = 1500 V
Sensitivity: p1 - 0.26 mm/V; p2 - 0.24 mm/V

Longueur • Length • Länge : 40 cm • 1' - 3" 7/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 10,7 cm • 4" 2/10

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