DuMont K1436P10 4" Dark Trace Storage Tube “Skiatron”
Tube cathodique à trace sombre
Instead of the usual phosphor screen, this tube uses a screen of potassium chloride, which
is a material known as a scotophor or cathodochromic phosphor. Wherever struck by an electron beam, the
normally white screen turns magenta. This coloration remains until erased by infrared radiation.
The tube was designed with a spherical faceplate for use in the optical system of projection
radar displays. Drawbacks included relatively long infrared erasure times (greater than one second), low contrast
and low sensitivity.
• G. Wikkenhauser, The Skiatron or Dark Trace Tube and its Applications, Electronic Engineering, Jan. 1948.
Similar to 4AP10.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 37 cm • 14" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 102 mm • 4"

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