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Emiscope Type 3/4 10" Television Cathode Ray Tube
Tube cathodique pour télévision

The Gramophone Co Ltd

Heater: 4 V @ 1.3 A

The 3/4 was first used in the pre-1945 HMV model 1800 and the Marconi 710 television sets.
The 3/4 was designed to operate with a final anode voltage of 3 to 4 kV. Even with that low voltage the pictures were very good indeed.


Emiscope Type 3/4

Longueur • Length • Länge : 50,5 cm • 1' - 7" 9/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 25 cm • 9" 8/10

Emiscope Type 3/4

Emiscope Type 3/4

Emiscope Type 3/4


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