16ЛМ4Г скиатрон (электронно-лучевая трубка с темновой записью)
MELZ 16LM4G Dark Trace CRT “Skiatron”
Tube cathodique à trace sombre
Beam focusing and deflection: electromagnetic
Filament voltage: 6.3 V
Filament current: from 0.27 A to 0.33 A
Accelerating electrode: 400 V
First anode: from 0 to 400 V
Second anode: 18 kV
Modulation of voltage: no more than 22 V
Resolution, focused line size: 0.4 mm
Screen brightness: not less than 400 cd/m²
Afterglow time/color: with erasing device
Minimum working hours: 1000 h
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

125 x 110 mm • 4" 7/8 x 4" 3/8
Longueur • Length • Länge : 30,3 cm • 11" 7/8

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