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трехлучевая осциллографическая ЭЛТ 15ЛО8А
15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube
Tube cathodique à 3 canons

Made by OEMZ VEI (ОЭМЗ ВЭИ) (Omsk Electromechanical Plant, Russian Electrotechnical Institute) in the late 60s or early 70s. It was used in a three-channel high-voltage 3OVS (3ОВС) oscilloscope.


15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 48 cm • 18" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 15 cm • 5" 7/8

15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube

15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube

15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube

15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube

15LO8A Experimental 3-Beam Cathode Ray Tube


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