ITT IATRON Type 7423 Mechanical Sample
Direct View Storage CRT
Tube cathodique à entretien d'image
From the collection of the late Kent Farnsworth, a son of Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-1971), the “Father of Television”.
Iatron was a registered trademark of Farnsworth Electronics Company, a division of IT&T. Dr. Philo T. Farnsworth has made many notable contributions to the storage-tube art and has personally directed the Iatron research and development work undertaken in 1949. Others who have contributed to the development of the Iatron include a majority of the Farnsworth research department. The Iatron development has been supported primarily by the United States Navy Bureau of Ships.
The F-7423 is a 5 inch latron (Direct View Storage Cathode-Ray Tube) that produces a bright visual display of electrically stored information. It is electrostatically focused and deflected. The tube displays bright images that can be viewed in direct daylight, and the tube features the ability to write, store and erase signal information at the will of the operator. Gray shades are produced in accordance with the amplitude variations of the input signal. The tube has two electron guns, a writing gun which writes the input signal on an insulator storage screen, and a flood gun which illuminates the phosphor in accordance with the stored signal.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
• Dean W. Davis, Characteristics and Applications of the latron Storage Tube, Communication and Electronics, Number 29, March 1957.
• U.S. Patent no. 2,754,449.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 30,5 cm • 12"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 12,5 cm • 4" 7/8

The CRT faceplate is unfortunately broken.
What we see here is the backing electrode, located immediately behind the phosphor.
Its primary purpose is to support the storage (insulator) surface, which consists of a thin layer of insulator material
coated on one side of the mesh, the side facing the electron guns.

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