RCA 1846 4.5" Iconoscope
Ikonoskop Bildaufnahmeröhre
This tube, a smaller version of the earlier 1850, was developed by RCA in 1941. It was specifically made for
military airborne cameras, like the CRV-59AAE, housed in military bomber drones guided via TV screen and remote
control to their target. On impact, the camera was of course destroyed in the process.
After the war, there was surplus stock of these cameras so they were flogged on the market to lower budget/amateur
TV stations and to consumers in the early 50s at an affordable price.
See also • Voir aussi • Siehe auch :
RCA 1850A 6.5" Iconoscope

Longueur hors tout • Overall length • Gesamtlänge : 29,5 cm • 11" 5/8

CRV-59AAE Iconoscope Camera

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