Trichroic Beam Splitter Prism - Color Separation Prism Assembly
Prisme séparateur de faisceau trichroïque - Ensemble de prismes de séparation des couleurs
Trichroitisches Strahlteilerprisma - Farbtrennprismen-Baugruppe
A trichroic prism assembly consists of three prism segments with angles carefully designed to minimize polarization of incoming light and to produce double reflections so that all output images have the same orientation as the input. It is used to split an image into red, green, and blue components, which can be separately detected on three CCD arrays.
U.S. Patent 6,144,498.

74 x 54 x 59 mm • 2"7/8 x 2"1/8 x 2"3/8

F1 and F2 are low pass dichroic filters and A, B and C are dichroic prisms

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