Utilicon Image Dissector
Tube analyseur d'image
Bild Dissektor Röhre
Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von : Diamond Power Specialty Corp. • Lancaster, Ohio (a subsidiary of I.T.&T.)
One of the first industrial applications of television was the "Utiliscope", jointly developed by
Farnsworth Television, Radio Corporation and Diamond Power Specialty Corporation;
this closed circuit system showed continuous pictures of action at remote or inaccessible points on a screen.
The Utiliscope picture had only 220 lines, and the image dissector had very poor light sensitivity,
but it was enough for high light levels such as the flames inside a boiler. Other suggested uses, according to an ad
published in Business Week in 1951: watching boiler water level, studying destructive tests of engines, watching flow
of molten steel, observing conditions inside furnaces, viewing nuclear research, coordinating materials flow on conveyors.
The Utiliscope was sensitive to infrared illumination, so it could also spot intruders even though they
were apparently operating in total darkness.
Diamond started manufacturing the image dissector tube in 1949 or 1950 and continued until about
1973 when Diamond Power sold the section to Arvin Industries.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Longueur • Length • Länge : 38 cm • 1' - 3"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 113 mm • 4 4/10"

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