Westinghouse WX30893 SEC (Secondary Electron Conduction) Vidicon
Vidicon ŕ émission secondaire
The principle of operation of the intensifier vidicon is analogous to that of the vidicon,
except that the intensifier vidicon contains an image transfer, or intensifier, section. The
use of a fiber-optic disk for the faceplate makes possible electrostatic focusing of the
electrons in the intensifier section. The photoelectrons that convey the image are accelerated
to energies of the order of 10 keV in the region between the photocathode and the target. They
pass through a signal plate, an aluminum film 0.1–0.2µ thick, and penetrate the target itself,
a layer of a porous dielectric, such as KCl or MgO. The secondary electrons generated in the
dielectric during this process are drawn toward the positively charged signal plate, where they
form a positive charge pattern on the target. The electron image is scanned by an electron beam.
The image signal is greatly amplified at the target; the amplification factor is 30–100 in a
SEC camera tube.
The WX30893 has found use in astronomical instruments.
Longueur • Length • Länge : 23 cm • 9" 1/10

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