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Hitachi HS-251 Color Saticon 1/2" Video Tube
Tube de prise de vue trichrome

This saticon pickup tube utilizes a micro-striped filter layer on the target to electronically separate the three color signals, making it possible to use only one tube in a camera, instead of a tube for each color, as is standard for color cameras. Saticon is a registered trademark of Hitachi. The target surface is composed of Se, As, Te -- selenium, arsenic, tellurium - from which the name SATicon comes from.

See also • Voir aussi • Siehe auch : SONY Trinicon B6756 CT-1122 Video Camera Tube


Hitachi HS-251 Color Saticon Video Tube

Longueur • Length • Länge : 14,2 cm • 5" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 2,6 cm • 1"

Hitachi HS-251 Color Saticon Video Tube

Hitachi HS-251 Color Saticon Video Tube

Hitachi HS-251 Color Saticon Video Tube


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