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DuMont K1567 Monoscope

“Phasmajector” (Greek for image emitter). Use unknown. The target plate shows only a large letter “O”. Udo Radtke has a similar tube with the letter “W”.

There is a similar tube, the model K1043. We have seen five of them, bearing the letters “B”, “D”, “E”, “F” and “H”.

No information available. Any help welcome!
Aucune information disponible. Toute aide est bienvenue !
Keine Information verfügbar. Jede Hilfe willkommen!


DuMont K1567 Monoscope

Longueur • Length • Länge : 161 mm • 6" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 37 mm • 1" 7/16

DuMont K1567 Monoscope

DuMont K1567 Monoscope

DuMont K1567 Monoscope

DuMont K1567 Monoscope

DuMont K1567 Monoscope

DuMont K1567 Monoscope


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