Electrostatic Deflection Image Dissector Tube
Tube dissecteur d'image à déflexion électrostatique
Bilddissektor-Röhre mit elektrostatischer Ablenkung
This image dissector is, in essence, a photomultiplier which has electron optics to re-form the image from the photocathode at a sampling aperture plate located at the entrance to the electron multiplier structure. A means of deflecting the electron image is provided by transverse electrostatic fields in order to scan the electron image across the aperture for signal modulation purposes, and to provide field of view gimballing. This is accomplished by a
Schlesinger deflectron
structure, which has two interleaved sets of deflection plates formed to the inner surface of a cone. The deflectron has good deflection linearity and a common center of deflection for both axes.

• W. C. Goss, The Mariner Spacecraft Star Sensors, Applied Optics Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1970.
• W. C. Goss, Image Dissector Development, Technical Memorandum 33-608, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, April 1973.
Video on YouTube: Mysterious Electrostatic Image Dissector Tube.
Thanks to Charles Osborne for his help in identifying this tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 16.5 cm • 6" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 37 mm • 1"1/2

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