OSRAM Fl.26682 F128 Glimmlampe für Anzeigegerat AFN1/AFN2
Neon Glow Lamp for Radio Navigation Indicator
Lampe au néon pour indicateur de radionavigation
The Fl.26682 glow lamp was used to light the AFN1 and AFN2 navigation instruments in German WWII fighters such as the Me109, Fw190, and Me262.
These devices, also known as “target flight indicators”, were part of the direction finding and landing system “PeilG V” and “PeilG 6” as well as the FuG 16 Z / ZY. With the AFN2, which replaced the larger AFN1, an instrument target flight to a radio beacon was possible (to help navigate the pilot back to home base); when flying directly over the transmitter, the glow lamp would light up.
Ignition voltage: 166 V
Burning voltage: 150 V at 1.5 mA

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 49 mm • 1" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 16 mm • 5/8"

Radio Navigation Indicator AFN1

Radio Navigation Indicator AFN2

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