Neon Crater Lamp for Mechanical Television Set
Lampe-cratère au néon pour téléviseur mécanique
Neon-Kraterlampe für mechanisches Fernsehgerät
A crater lamp is a high intensity neon lamp with a very small spot size; its brightness is proportional to the signal current sent through the lamp. It provides, therefore, a bright point source of light which is modulated behind the spinning Nipkow disc of a mechanical television to assemble the picture. This allows a somewhat larger and brighter picture than is possible with flat plate tubes like the
DeForest 601 Vis-Ion Kino Lamp.
• Mechanical television (Wikipedia)
• How Mechanical TV Works
• How First Mechanical Television Works? - Animation
• 32-line Nipkow disc television with neon bulb as the light source (video)
• D.E. Replogue, The Crater Tube, Television News, Nov.-Dec., 1931
This crater lamp was made by G-M Laboratories of Chicago for the Western Television Corp. The unusual bayonet base has been replaced by a standard 4-pin base on this tube.

Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 59 mm • 2" 3/8
Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 135 mm • 5" 1/4

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