Brown Boveri Glowtector Bulb Catalog No. 205-080-301
Indicateur de ligne électrique sous tension
Stromleitung Anzeiger für Hochspannung
For electric live-line indicator.
The “Glowtector” is a neon bulb which can indicate voltages from 2.4 kilovolts through 230 kilovolts.
Grounding Procedures:
Before grounds are applied to any piece of high voltage equipment, a determination must be made that such equipment is, in fact, de-energized. After isolating the work area by opening breakers or disconnects between the equipment and all sources of power, the Glowtector shall be checked with a glow lamp tester. The Glowtector shall then be applied to all exposed terminals and conductors in the equipment. If the Glowtector does not light up, apparently the equipment is de-energized. The Glowtector shall again be checked with the glow lamp tester to confirm that
it is working properly. All exposed circuits shall be grounded by mean of a grounding set after the Glowtector indicates there is no potential present.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 165 mm • 6" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 25 mm • 1"

Glowtector Imperial Hot Stick - Gould-Brown Boveri
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