BTH 185W ME/D 200/250V D.C. Compact Mercury Vapour Lamp
Lampe à vapeur de mercure
BTH = British Thomson Houston Company Limited., England
“For use with MEINERS thread illuminator only”
ME/D lamps were primarily used in technical instruments; the arc provides a compact light source of extremely high brightness.
The end seals of the quartz bulb are made of a molybdenum ribbon; heat shields are mounted inside the outer bulb to help reduce thermal stress
on the quartz bulb and to increase the optical efficiency. For an easy starting, the arc tube is filled with an argon-neon mixture, and an
auxiliary ignition electrode is connected to one of the main electrodes via a 50 kΩ resistance. The /D suffix indicates that the lamp
must burn only in the vertical base down position.
This lamp dates 1950's.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 15,9 cm • 6" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 51 mm • 2"

Heat shield
Auxiliary anode
Starting resistance

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