PHOENIX SHP112 Hg DC 180W Super High Pressure Mercury Projector Lamp
Lampe au mercure super haute pression pour projecteur
Super Hochdruck Quecksilber Projektorlampe
This lamp is compatible with the following manufacturers and models: Optoma-SP.88N01GC01, Optoma-BL-FS180B, Optoma-DX615, Optoma-EP620, Optoma-EP720, Optoma-EP721, Optoma-EP721i, Optoma-EP726, Optoma-EP726i, Optoma-EP727, Optoma-EP727i, Optoma-PRO100SNobo-S22E, Optoma-PRO200S, Optoma-PRO200X, Optoma-TS721, Optoma-TS721i, Optoma-TX720, Optoma-TX726, Optoma-TX727, Optoma-TX727i, Optoma-DS306, Optoma-DS309, Optoma-DS312, Optoma-DS315, Optoma-DX606, Optoma-DX609, Optoma-DX609i, Optoma-SP.89F01GC01.
Voltage: 85 - 265 V
Average life: 2000 hours

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 64 mm • 2" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 51 mm • 2"

The bare bulb
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